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Engaging Lab Station Activities

Teaching can be stressful especially if the students are not interested or are distracted. This can be solved by devising teaching techniques that make the students more active and involved in the topic. There are some things that can be provided as teaching material to ensure each student takes part in the lesson and eliminate idleness among them. The materials can be for specific topics and subjects with each providing more details that are easy to understand for learners. Students are given an explanation to processes and real life examples of the same processes in action illustrated. More info about Teach Science With Fergy


These lab stations are great in assessing whether the learners understand by asking questions from the cards. Students are provided with sheets to write down their answers to questions asked. The lab stations are arranged in an order to make it easy to learn while assessing progress. The materials are useful since they can be used for revision before a test or for teaching lab sessions. It also gives answers to some questions where the learners can refer to know whether they got the answers right.

Sessions are broken down into several steps with each trying to give more detail. First students are given the task to draw such things as a process explaining a certain process. They are then expected to do some research on a topic using computers provided or their own phones. After this, they then explain what they have understood by summarizing this information on a piece of paper in paragraph forms. There are some rest sessions given to give time to chat with friends and to refresh for better learning. It also gives the chance to prepare for the next learning session. Read more on check it out!


The next step involves the students referring to some source about a real life application of the process. This is to help them relate the topic being learnt with actual ways it is used. After this, some questions are given requiring the students to answer and describe how they came up with the answers given. Practical sessions are given where they watch a video and answer questions related to what the video teaches. One can pause, rewind or forward the video to understand better what is being taught. This can be done severally provided it us within the given time frame. To wrap things up, students formulate some questions of various forms and then give answers to those problems.


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